¿Qué buscas?

The Spanish Council of Student Residence Halls.

The Spanish Council of Student Residence Halls is an association that unites 110 residence halls throughout Spain, both public and private, which host more than 17,000 students each year.
The General Assembly is the body in charge of deliberation and decision making, and all members are represented. This association also has a Governing Council, composed of at least one representative from each of the 24 universities in which we have a presence.
Additionally, there is a Board of Directors, which is the executive body of this association and it is integrated by 5 directors elected for two-year terms.
The Spanish Council of Student Residence Halls was established in September 1980 and since then its main function has been to assist its members in their activities as institutions of higher education at service to universities and society


Development and execution of programs and projects, information, activities and studies on higher education.

To watch over the nature and high-level function of residence halls as university centers.

To serve as a channel of communication, cooperation and information among the residence halls of Spain.

To assume and represent the collective’s general interests regarding specific missions: extracurricular learning, mobility, higher education, etc.

To develop social infrastructure intended for academic exchanges as well as student and faculty mobility.

To promote cooperation with existing institutions in Europe and the rest of the world.

The representation, by the means that the Assembly in each case arbitrate, to the Residence halls in major national and international events of interest to the group.



Antonio Navajas


Montse Lavado


Miguel Jiménez


Cristina Llop


Carles Xavier López



Annual training for management teams

As part of our mission, The Spanish Council of Student Residence Halls provides training to management teams of the residence halls.
The objective is that the staff of residence halls have the necessary skills and tools in different fields (psychological care, optimization of resources, communication with parents, activities for young people to develop transversal competencies, etc.) in order to offer their best version to the students, be updated with the latest trends of this sector and thus comply with the quality criteria that characterize the residence halls.
This training is carried out once a year, through monographic seminars, which are provided by specialists who teach the subject matter adapted to the particularities of the residence halls.

Employment &

Training of students regarding their incorporation into the labour market

The Spanish Council of Student Residence Halls has a collaboration agreement with Escuela de Organización Industrial whose objective is to provide students with skills for their incorporation into the labour market.
The project is divided into three blocks, distributed over three years. At the end of each stage, the students receive a diploma that certifies they have successfully completed the two pillars of their educational project: acquisition of professional skills and personal development.
Among the skills the students develop during this program are the following:
  • Creativity
  • Leadership
  • Assertive communication
  • Time management
  • People management
  • Problem solving
  • Developing a good resume
For more information, please visit our Employment & + page, where each point of this agreement is fully detailed.

Annual conferences of residence halls

Every year, more than 100 residence halls from all over Spain meet in a city to discuss the present and future of institutions. The conference will gather students, principals, members of management teams and an Italian delegation, who will participate in seminars and lectures, as well as in joint working groups to discuss the residence hall experience as an educational opportunity.
Every year, more than 100 residence halls from all over Spain meet in a city to discuss the present and future of institutions. The conference will gather students, principals, members of management teams and an Italian delegation, who will participate in seminars and lectures, as well as in joint working groups to discuss the residence hall experience as an educational opportunity.